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Ayuda con las tareas del hogar y los niños

Country: España · City: Etxebarri

Somos una familia con 2 niños y una gata, vivimos en Bilbao, necesito una persona voluntaria para que nos ayude con los niños y las tareas de la casa, 20 horas entre semana y fin de semana libre. Ofrecemos una habitación y comida. WORKING ARRANGEMENT Ayuda de lunes a viernes, fin de semana libre. ...

Art: muralist, illustrator or painter

Country: El salvador · City: Jayaque

We are looking for help to decorate the bar with murals or canvases that adapt to the concept of our business. You can also collaborate with classes and workshops And if you are an Illustrator or graphic designer you can support us with the designs of our merchandising WORKING ARRANGEMENT Hours ...

Volunteer Work in Kenya

Country: Kenya · City: Nairobi

Our Kenya volunteer program provides you with a unique opportunity to experience real Kenya. A mixture of volunteer work, meeting and interacting with local people and helping disadvantaged communities. Kenya offers a variety of opportunities in many different sectors for the passionate volunteer. ...

Massive yard, shed, car port, house clean up and repair Thunder Bay

Country: Canada · City: Thunder Bay

Massive yard, shed, car port, house clean up and repair. Let me know when you are arriving or in the area. I am not able to help with visa, please prepare that on your own. In huge need of an understanding, respectful, empathetic person. After prolonged trauma from abuse, my house became like a nea...

Volunteer Veterinary Staff

Country: Thailand · City: Koh Samui

On the tropical island of Koh Samui, Thailand, you’ll encounter many stray dogs and cats wandering the beaches and streets. Due to a lack of an ongoing maintenance sterilization program, these dogs and cats breed unrestrained, causing stress to human-animal relations, injuries, and premature deaths....

Join a small, natural, family farm in the mountains in Gouveia, Portugal

This year we will need help maintaining the vegetable garden, implementing and maintaining food forests, building simple structures with roundwood and recicled materials, harvesting herbs, vegetables, fruits and processing them, farming maintenance (cutting and caring fire-wood, moving electric fenc...