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Help needed in a agro-turismo horses breeding farm

Country: Portugal · City: 2985-050 Canha

We are a lusitano horses breeding farm and we have 3 country houses and 3 tent lodges that we rent to tourists. It is a family activity. We like to receive people from various countries and culture, it is very rich. And it can be the same with a helper for both of us. Our job consists in welcoming p...

Casa de retiros escuela de oficios rurales

Country: Spain · City: Girona

Durante este mes de agosto, septiembre y octubre del 2022 estamos buscando voluntarios interesados en participar y realizar un período de prueba para un proyecto de escuela de oficios rurales. Can Traver de Besalú es una casa de retiro (beguinaje) rural catalán del siglo XXI. En abril de 2023 comenz...

Tree planting food forest gardening in Central Victoria AU

Country: Australia · City: Maryborough

We would love some volunteer help with Tree Planting and Food-Forest Gardening in Central Goldfields, Victoria Near Maryborough Vic. WORKING ARRANGEMENT planting trees, building self-watering garden beds, Greenhouses, Tending gardens, LIVING ARRANGEMENT Some accommodation available as well as p...

Help at Nonprofit Equine Rehab

Country: United States · City: Guthrie

We are a nonprofit horse rehabilitation center that offers rehab/rescue, education on equine care. We need hands on to help with projects we are working on to complete. You don't have to have experience we can teach you. If working hands on with horses is not your thing and you admire them there's l...

Help in Teaching English and rebuilding our Nursery school at Dar es salaam Tanzania

Country: Tanzania · City: Dar es salaam

My name is Joseph a teacher by professional. I live Dar es salaam Tanzania.I have marriage and have one son, Me and my wife we are running Nursery school at Dar es salaam Tanzania, we need volunteer to teach our children English at School , Children age is 3-5 years, You don't need to be qualify to ...

Se voluntari@ en una Ecoludoteca en Tulum

Country: Mexico · City: Tulum Quintana Roo

Vive la experiencia de conocer un espacio educativo donde los niños aprenden a convivir con el planeta y con las personas por medio del juego libre y organizado. WORKING ARRANGEMENT Actividades administrativas de atención en recepción. Apoyo lúdico en las actividades de la ecoludoteca. Limpieza de...