Description of your project: Schloss Glarisegg is an eco-village and a place of conscious encounter and transformation. We are living as an intentional community project since 2003 with 36 adults and 15 children. The site is located beautifully at Lake Constance, near meadows and forests, streams and little waterfalls.
Our project includes a school (40 children), a permaculture garden, a lot of therapists and coaches, and our seminar center.
Our values are grounded in peace building, our tools are inspired by Scott Peck community building, ZEGG Forum, Possibility Management etc.
Job and Reward: We seek for volunteers for our seminar guest care, including kitchen hand, cleaning and house keeping. Our employees are kind and thankful for your help and they will introduce you well into your jobs. Working schedules will include 6 hours per day/5 days a week.
We invite all volunteers to some of our social circles for encounter and exchange with the community as well as with other volunteers. In addition there is the possibility of having weekly sessions with the therapists and coaches living here. Of course, you get accommodation and whole vegetarian food in return.
Food: all meals and additions, whole vegetarien food. Cook for yourself and/or use meals of the seminar kitchen
Volunteers Requirements: Service between March and November, usually 6 weeks to 3 months.
No Visa assistance, invitation or contract possible.