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Tanquian Smallholding - Lugo Spain

Country: Spain · City: Lugo

http://tanquian.es Smallholding of 5.6 hectares. Large vegetable garden, vineyard, orchards, meadows and woods. Animals include horse,donkey and chickens. Living as self-sufficiently as possible is our main ambition, although we have the Organic Stamp and are growing some vegetables for sale. Plus ...

Farm in Teruel - Spain

Country: Spain · City: Teruel

The farm is a 1,5 hectare plot of land with 26 olive tress, 2 almonds, some figs and a small vegetable garden. I am working there on an eco-tourism and sustainability education project but do not have much time to do farm work and so am looking for volunteers to help me. The facilities are extremel...

Permacultura Los Juncales - Leon Spain

Country: Spain · City: Leon

Permacultura Los Juncales Provincia León We are a small group of people who took a few years transforming an old farm in a sustainable farm . We follow the principles of permaculture . We show that living in a sustainable and self-sufficient as possible. We do not produce anything for sale and o...

Centro El Encuentro - Spain

Country: Spain · City: Caceres

Centro El Encuentro Provincia Cáceres El Encuentro es un proyecto nacido en marzo de 2008 fruto del sueño de Volver a la Tierra , de vivir de una forma integra y sana, plena, y de la voluntad de crear un espacio donde poder compartir el camino recorrido y nutrirse de experiencias de Verdad , si...

Small farm in the Basque country

Country: Spain · City: Ispaster

ANAKI Verastegui Mergelina Diego Barrio Larrinaga, 6 , Ispaster 48288 , Bizkaia , SPAIN Tel : +34 94 6841261 A 2 ha small farm by the sea in Basque country. Cider apples, vegetable garden, wild woods, grassland. Volunteers with experience in hedge-laying, planting, picking and pruning of trees pref...

Cultural association focused on music

Country: Spain · City: Tarifa

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AsociacionCulturalPuertasAbiertasTarifa GoogleMap http://goo.gl/maps/x2LxO ESPAÑOL (see below in ENGLISH) Somos una asociación cultural enfocada en la música. Organizamos Jam Sessions al aire libre cada martes en verano. Comenzaremos las Jam Sessions en Junio. N...