Country: Spain · City: Sa Pobla
We are a couple who have bought a piece of land with a house in Mallorca, and we need a hand to help us to renovate the house and take care of the garden. Andrada is just coming weekends but I am working there full time. The big value we expect from the volunteers is the company, due Andrada just ca...
Country: España · City: La Viliella, Asturias
La Viliella, a charming mountain village in Asturias, is the only village within the Muniellos Integral Biosphere Reserve and is also part of the Las Fuentes del Narcea, Ibias and Degaña Natural Park. I offer a unique volunteering experience that combines helping in my home, working in my house gard...
Country: Spain · City: Gata
Cheese making, organic gardening, bioconstrucción, wild off road living. WORKING ARRANGEMENT Walking with goats, 5 hours a day, watering the garden, bioconstruction Please read for more instrucciones LIVING ARRANGEMEN...
Country: Spain · City: Quéntar/Granada
We run a tiny guesthouse offering a relaxing atmosphere to help people to rest from their stressful lives. WORKING ARRANGEMENT We only accept female volunteers. 4 hours cleaning and making up beds, 5 days a week + 1 hour walking the dogs in the afternoon. We offer accommodation + lunch. LIVING AR...
Country: spain · City: arbucies
Hola! Somos un pequeño proyecto de convivencia holística y respetuosa. Actualmente 3 personas. Nos dedicamos al mundo de la Terapia y organización de eventos. Necesitamos ayuda en las tareas de mantenimiento de la finca, Tareas de pintura, carpintería, jardineria, cocina.. La finca es muy grande y n...
Country: España · City: León
Vivo en un bello lugar de montaña, tengo como objetivo la creación de un centro de turismo, experiencias y alojamientos en la zona de los Picos de Europa, en un entorno rural. WORKING ARRANGEMENT Necesito ayuda con mano de obra para trabajos de albañilería, carpinteria, y jardinería, las horas de...