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Join a cycling caravane, going from Geneva to Leipzig!

Country: germany · City: Leipzig

Hey There! This Summer we are starting a "Velokarawane"/ Caravane à Vélo, leaving the 2nd of August in Geneva, cycling till Leipzig, where we plan to arrive the first of Septemper, right in time for the international Degrowth Conference which will happen there. The purpose of this trip will be t...

summerjob in the IB youthhostel Stuttgart

Country: Germany · City: Stuttgart

All through the year the IB Youth guesthouse Stuttgart hosts and accomodates young pupils and apprenticies who attend vocational schools or pass some other kind of vocational training in Stuttgart. During the summer holidays it works in the function of a backpacker hostel where bed and breakfast...

help needed for an international education project in Saxony-Anhalt

Country: Germany · City: Büste

Hi, we just rented a big farmhouse our aim is to be: a life-long-learning place, a community for disabled and elderly aswell as children; a down-to-earth-project, where kids can learn about nature and making best use of it instead of plastics... we can offer: free Food and accomodation either in our...

Hostel in Harz mountains in Germany

Country: Germany · City: Braunlage

Hostel in Harz mountains in Germany search help. We are looking for somebody who could join our team asap. So we search someone who could come for the high season in winter and stay min. 1 month. Your responsibilities would be: helping in bar, cleaning and what else is neccessary. Applicant must b...