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We exchange room and board for help with many outside tasks

Country: Italy · City: Ticoli

The property counts three parts, one is the house-courtyard-lawn-laboratory-patio and above and below, especially on slopes, there are olive groves and little paths among fruit trees, bushes, vegetable gardens and flowerbeds still in the making. Until 8 years ago when I bought, all the land was virt...

Learn and help in our Retreats taking part in tasks related to shamanic ceremonies, Gardening &

Country: Spain · City: Granadilla de Abona

Retreat Eco Center Los Hibrones is an Ecohouse and Land focused on Retreats in nature: Sweatlodges/temazcals, vision quest rite, shamanic healings, Meditation, medicine plants, rites and ceremonies..etc. At the same time, there is a project to focus this place for tourists holidays.

Agroecologia By the river Asturias

Country: Spain · City: Pezos

Hola vivimos en una aldea algo alejada junto a un río, zona de bosques de castaño y monte de brezo. Agradecería la colaboración de personas a quienes les entusiasme hechar una mano con las huertas, animales hay ovejas, burros (limpiar cuadras, ir a buscarlos al monte..)también tenemos abejas, a fin...


Country: Greece · City: Ierissos

We have on our to farms a lot of space for vegetables, herbs, legumes, corn, tomatoes, garlick, onions, letuce, strawberries, spinnach, potatoes and a few more. We need help with weeding, sowing and watering all around the year!

Help needed in lead generation/marketing in Paris/France

Country: France · City: Paris

I am a CEO of a global digital business, best selling author, speaker, serial entrepreneur who operates globally but now operating from Paris. I’m considering to take in a volunteer for this summer who’s interested to learn everything there is about how to build & run a 6/7 figure business in t...

We need help to setting up a camp for children clous to Cluj-Napoca/Transilvania

Country: ROMANIA · City: Turda

. We have a family farm and we are partners and host for various free programs and events for children and community .We need help to setting up/ improvement a camp for children , and we will need help also, on community events and with children summer school activities . The farm is located near se...