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Renovation of verandah

Country: Belgium · City: Kuurne

Fall 2021 I want to finish the renovation of my verandah. Specifically, this means: Insulate, carpentry, paint ceiling, lay floor (laminate). I am a novice handyman. I belief in Try and error and youtube instructional videos :). Do you have handyman skills or just common sense to figure it out toget...

Help us run our Lodge in Liverpool, UK and get your Beatles on!

Country: England · City: Liverpool

We provide accommodation for medical doctors who arrive to take their licensing exams before being admitted to the National Health Service (NHS) to live and work in the UK! We are family run and share our property with these amazing people. Practice your English, meet likeminded people, live the Liv...

se necesita ayuda para construccion casa ecologica

Country: España · City: Centenera

proyecto casa ecologica en el PrePirineo Aragones en España. a cambio ofrecemos una caravana totalmente equipada en un entorno natural de bosque. y las comidas. el proyecto esta calculado para una persona durante 1 mes (noviembre /diciembre) y de preferencia que sea un chico. (joven y con ganas de t...

Restaurar casa en el bosque

Country: España · City: Villaverde de Guadalimar

Tengo una casa en el bosque y necesito terminar de pintar y de enlucir las paredes y poner baldosas en el suelo. Trabajos de albañilería , fontanería y electricidad básicamente

Join our family for a sailing adventure

Country: greece · City: leros

We are Nico, Inna, Jocelyn (6) and Lily (4) - a family looking for an extra pair of hands, sailing in the greek islands. Looking for someone to become "part of the family" and help with some daily tasks on board. Fluent French speakers prioritised. We welcome visitors as friends and provide accommod...

Volunteer at a Buddhist Meditation Centre

Country: UK · City: Leicester

We're a Buddhist Meditation Centre set in the heart of Leicester city centre in England, only one and a half hours from London. We're close to shops, cafes, gyms, cinemas, yoga studios, parks and a beautiful covered market. We have 2 meditation rooms, modern en-suite bunk bed dorms accommodating u...