Work side by side with diverse crew from around the world, local youth and cultural stakeholders. Together, we build a sustainable culture of creative possibilities for the environment and local community. We have fun doing it!
TreeCasa was forged from a collaborative vision to create a world of elevated, connected and immersive experiences that extend beyond our 10-acre property. We've created a place for people to connect, learn and co-create; providing a uniquely dynamic community platform that supports enduring social change and sustainable living at a local level. We work towards this integrative vision through our Volunteer & Visioneer Program for onsite and community betterment projects.
Our program focuses on four interconnected tracks:
Ecology & Organic Agriculture
Sustainable Design & Building
Hotel & Restaurant Experience
The Arts
Join one of our program tracks to contribute to a specific field, or propose a new project to realize here. We are also currently looking for contributors with specific skill-sets to help us grow beyond the volunteer tracks and residency programs: teachers, workshop enthusiasts, PR ninjas, UI and UX designers, events planners and community-building wizards.