Country: Ecuador · City: Vilcabamba
GAZELOOK.COM: A HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION, BASED IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. OUR OPERATIONS OFFICE IS LOCATED ON A BEAUTIFUL ORGANIC FARM OUTSIDE OF VILCABAMBA, LOJA, ECUADOR. Vilcabamba is famously known as, "The Valley of Longevity" (The closest city with an airport is Loja.) Our weather is springtim...
Country: Ecuador · City: Salinas
We have an English Summer Camp for kids, we are located in the beautiful beach of Salinas Ecuador, we teach the kids grammar and vocabulary, nut our main goal is to have them developing the speaking skills, so all our activities are in English only. Among some of our fun activities we have gardening...
Country: Ecuador · City: Salinas
We are an English school for kids, located in the beautiful beach of Salinas Ecuador. We need English speakers, to teach to our young students not only grammar, but vocabulary, idioms, while having fun. We provide housing and meals, and we are just a few steps from the ocean, also we are developing ...
Country: ECUADOR · City: IBARRA
Hello, the project of agricultural, coffee and animal farm is aimed at establishing an agroecological system, respecting wildlife and community, control of waste, pest control in a natural way, etc. Become part of our project as a VOLUNTEER. Help us with your skills in harvesting, planting, caring f...
Country: Ecuador · City: Otavalo
For a project of ethnoeco sustainable tourism the collaboration in our establishment is constant, to facilitate the communication with the foreign tourists, participation in the maintenance of the hostel, exchange of culinary knowledge, agricultural and gardening works, accompaniment to the differen...
Country: Ecuador · City: Ayampe
The Great Green Macaw Release Project allows future conservation and field biologists to learn & work closely with the amazing Great Green Macaw (Ara ambiguus). The subspecies (Ara ambiguus guayaquilensis) is a Critically Endangered bird species with less than thirty individuals in the wild. The...