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Artistic Camps Cáhuil/ Campamentos Artísticos Cáhuil

Location: Pichilemu, Chile
We are looking for volunteers to cook and maintain order in the summer camps between February 17 and 27.
It offers stay, food and participate in the workshops


Hello, for all the musicians, music lovers, students, professionals, folklorists, young people, adults, women, men, ALL SUPER INVITED to participate in this beautiful exchange folk music camp.
This musical experience is located in the town of Cahuil, VI Region, Pichilemu, Chile. which means seagull in Mapudungun, and is a type of specific seagull from this region. It is on the coast, next to the beautiful estuary Nilahue.
Come to share your traditional music with us and learn more traditional music from differents part of the world, play with us, and have an amazing summer.NOCHE VENECIANA (COMPLEMENTARY ARTS EXCHANGE CAMP)

Hello, for all the artists, visuals, sculptors, painters, actresses, actors, mimes, performers, dancers, scenographers, motivated, apprentices, young people, adults, families, EVERYBODY!, we invite you to live this beautiful experience of Arts and Tradition, to recover and enhance the Venetian Night.
This experience is located in the village of Cahuil, Pichilemu, VI Region. Cahuil root word Mapuche and whose meaning is seagull, and in this case a very special and specific of this region. Cahuil is on the coast, next to the beautiful estuary Nilahue.

Tells the legend that there was a mystical seahorse in charge of managing the flora and fauna of the Nilahue estuary, keeping the passage to the open sea free, due to the man's ambition the seahorse was forced to close the estuary passage causing the shortage to the town. Today we want to make a call to the seahorse to return through the Venetian Night.

Come to share your arts, help us to build the allegories for the boats, and to create a performance and have a amazing summer with us.
Artistic Camps Cáhuil/ Campamentos Artísticos Cáhuil Artistic Camps Cáhuil/ Campamentos Artísticos Cáhuil Artistic Camps Cáhuil/ Campamentos Artísticos Cáhuil