Country: Chile · City: Pumanque
Contamos con un bosque nativo en tierras nativas a 3 horas al sur de la capital Santiago. Estamos levantando un centro de autoconocimiento y desarrollo de la autosustentabilidad organica. Tambien levantamos ritos y ceremonias andinas y americanas para el bienestar espiritual y fisico WORKING ARRAN...
Country: Chile · City: Valdivia
Somos una hostal colorida, amigable, de viajeros, de familia, de trabajo, petfriendly, gayfriendly y turismo, en plena costanera de Valdivia y con muchas áreas cercanas de esparcimiento. de paseo y tranquilidad, con multiples museos, parques, rios, playas, actividades recreativas y con un centro urb...
City: Los Ángeles, Bio Bio.
Hello. We are a family of three friendly, relaxed and laid back adults (Husband, wife and daughter.) So, if you need to feel at home away from home, please do not hesitate to contact us. English, French, Spanish and Portuguese spoken. We offer three meals a day and we would love to work along wi...
Country: Chile · City: Isla de Pascua
I am looking for proactive people to help me remodel spaces by reusing materials and to beautify an eco-hostel and its garden. We are located in the center of Hanga Roa, 5 minutes from the beach and the main avenues. WORKING ARRANGEMENT I am looking for proactive people to help me remodel spaces b...
Country: Chile · City: Vicuña
Preparo un hospedaje en una casa en el campo específico en el valle del elqui WORKING ARRANGEMENT Enyesar y pintar 3 horas al dia por 5 dias y dos dias libres por semana. LIVING ARRANGEMENT Alojamiento y desayuno
Country: Chile · City: Diaguitas
We are a young couple with 3 kids. We have Sanza (dog) and Sisu (cat). The property has of two parts, one at the level of the river, where is located the camping, and another just above where the house and some trees, which is designed to place the organic garden projected. The accommodation is avai...