Country: Belize · City: Dangriga
We need someone in good physical condition who feels confident living with us and Piggy, a free living, dominant non castrated pig, on a 4 acres small, private, remote island in simple environment. Frugal dealing with resources is required as electricity comes from solar system and drinking and usin...
Country: Belize
Project description, Promotion of district wide eco-development plan. Google the story of the, ("Toledo Peoples Eco-park plan" and "Toledo Eco-tourism Association Guesthouse and eco-trail program Briefing Booklet") Task, preparing indiegogo grant request, videographer. , Working hours, atleast 5 ...
Country: Belize · City: Punta Gorda
Learn about the unique Garifuna culture of Central America while volunteering at a locally owned drum and dance school! Descendants of ship-wrecked west African slaves who intermixed with the Carib and Arawak Indians on the island of St Vincent, the Garifuna people boast a unique culture, music, lan...