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Volunteer Caretaker Assistance on private Caribbean Island of Belize needed

Country: Belize · City: Dangriga

We need someone in good physical condition who feels confident living with us and Piggy, a free living, dominant non castrated pig, on a 4 acres small, private, remote island in simple environment. Frugal dealing with resources is required as electricity comes from solar system and drinking and usin...

help needed for video grapher, website developer.

Country: Belize

Project description, Promotion of district wide eco-development plan. Google the story of the, ("Toledo Peoples Eco-park plan" and "Toledo Eco-tourism Association Guesthouse and eco-trail program Briefing Booklet") Task, preparing indiegogo grant request, videographer. , Working hours, atleast 5 ...

Preserve Garifuna Culture with Drumming & Dance in S. Belize

Country: Belize · City: Punta Gorda

Learn about the unique Garifuna culture of Central America while volunteering at a locally owned drum and dance school! Descendants of ship-wrecked west African slaves who intermixed with the Carib and Arawak Indians on the island of St Vincent, the Garifuna people boast a unique culture, music, lan...

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