Country: Argentina · City: Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba
Cuidado del Monte y BioConstrucción. Las vacantes son limitadas. 8 vacantes para el primer llamado y 8 vacantes para el segundo llamado. Llamada 1: 10/12 a 17/12/19 Llamada 2: 30/12/19 a 8/1/20 Las tareas a desarrollar, principalmente, son: *Cerco natural con troncos y ramas: Para cuidar los nu...
Country: colombia · City: guican jordan
We contribute and encourage the tourism of the region formulating social projects. We want to strengthen projects that bring prosperity and national prestige that is why we present this proposal that contributes to the environmental and cultural-social and economic development of the local communit...
Country: Costa Rica · City: El Castillo, Alajuela
We strive to inspire each visitor to relax, enjoy and explore ways in which they can incorporate the concept of sustainability into their own lives. While we serve as a distinguished eco-lodge for guests and student programs from around the globe who want to learn more about sustainability, the volu...
Tenemos un proyecto de reserva natural en una finca que antes era ganadera,con una porcion de bosque muy intervenido. Cuando recibimos la finca en 2005 empezamos a convertirnos en ecogranja aislar el bosque y reforestar potreros, luego el hallazgpo de especies endemicas en via de exticion en nuestro...
Country: Perú · City: El Tambo- Huancayo
We need people with experience in the areas of health, nursing, medicine, pharmaceutical, nutrition or alternative medicine, to help us promote our preventive health project, within communities or areas that suffer difficult economic situations in the central Peruvian Andes, is one of those areas af...
Country: Perú · City: El Tambo- Huancayo
Minka, in the language of the Incas means reciprocal help, is a voluntary social work project that is helping many people of the Andean peoples improve their living situation because many of them are in a situation of extreme poverty and social exclusion , children lack adequate education or simply ...