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Volunteers to the valnuerable people,disable people and improve talents at NGERI village, Kenya

Location: Sindo, Kenya
I am Douglas the community grassroot projects leader.
We are calling for your volunteer to our projects that are :-
-Youths Empowerment
-Organising fundraiser ie in the gofundme web
-Promote talents with our local kids
-Help in girl child education and creating awareness
-Help in farm by introduction any method of farming to the community farmer
And many more that shall be discussed as you are in the community

It is to my pleasure to share with you this, Community members are friendly and you will also enjoy your stay with us since you shall also be free for hiking, boat roaring , safaris and many more

Everything shall be provided freely only if volunteer wishes to offer the family anything BUT volunteers shall be going for safaris at there own cost although hiking shall be my dedication to the volunteers


Volunteers shall be working for 3 hours per day if more and they are free in my home for at most three months


There shall be be three meals in a day that is breakfast, lunch and dinner that consists of local foods.
Volunteers shall also be sharing a room that is within the homestead if of the same gender but incase of any privacy we shall offer him/her a private room