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To help the children with special needs in Morogoro Tanzania

Location: MOROGORO, Tanzania
Erick Memorial Foundation for Education and Rehabilitation for Disabled. is a non-profit making organization established in May 2011 by Ms. Josephine Bakhita. The Foundation has a registration Certificate Number NG0 4606.

Being a Social Worker, Josephine managed to mobilize fellow mothers in struggle towards the basic rights and needs of disabled children and thereby established EMFERD.

The vision of the organization is to assure that people with disabilities are equipped with quality education, care and rehabilitated according to their respective disabilities.

The mission statement of the organization shall be to offer and support in terms of education, rehabilitation and general welfare of persons with disabilities, and that their rights are respected in and outside Tanzania.


EMFERD is operating in the following districts:
EMFERD area of operation according to registration certificate covers the entire Districts of Tanzania Mainland, but to start-with we are concentrating in the districts of Gairo, Kilosa, Morogoro and Mvomero within Morogoro Region. Focusing rural remote villages where there is high demand of social services due to inconveniences of infrastructures to reach targeted population.

(a) Broad Objectives
To lay down and strengthen services to Most Vulnerable Groups in rural remote areas through a Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Program (CBR), with a general purpose of improving the quality standard services to the disabled persons without too much donor dependence.

(b) Specific Objectives
 To provide social services to Most Vulnerable children especially those with disabilities.
 To conduct systematic home visits to parents with children who have disabilities for the purpose of rehabilitation and counseling
 To organize referrals to children, with such disabilities for treatment, rehabilitation and surgery
 To provide appropriate inclusion Day Care services for early intervention among Most Vulnerable children and those with disabilities
 To mobilize and sensitize parents of children with disabilities through seminars and workshops for removal of cultural barriers, segregation and other negative attitudes towards disabled persons
 To conduct HIV/AIDS Education campaign for the disabled persons, their parents and the community in general on causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS pandemic.
 To strengthen income generating activities for the Foundation and for parents with children who have disabilities in rural areas
 Provide free expertise on managing low-interest loans to rural mothers having children with disabilities
 To raise public awareness on disabled children rights and needs
 To eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition in famine prone families with disabled children


6.1 Community Based Rehabilitation
The objective of the Program is to reduce the disability effects impairments of the handicapped to enable them to live a normal life with their parents, relatives and other members of the community.
But out of More than 700 disabled identified by EMFERD, over 95% live in rural areas where NGOs and Institutions caring for disabled are very few. Majority of disabled comes from very poor families where malnutrition and ignorance have high prevalence.
However EMFERD provides Basic support to identified disabled through home visits, family counseling, and medical care and referral services

6.2 The care of homeless orphan disabled
Its objectives is to make sure that the homeless orphans disabled are given right to live and cared and given necessary care

6.3 Public Awareness Raising
There is a negative attitude of the community towards the disabled persons and the public especially in rural remote areas is not very much aware of the disabled problems. The objective of the program is to create a greater public awareness on disabled persons rights and needs and also to carry out campaign education on the prevention of HIV/AIDS pandemic among infected and affected people with disability and their families. The disability occurrence is also associated to prevalence of HIV/AIDS and STD diseases

6.4 Girls Education
The objective of this program is to Facilitate Secondary, Primary and vocational education to girls from very poor families having disabled children and who later will assist in providing services to the disabled. The EMFERD through Friends pays school fees, boarding costs and learning materials to 20 girls from poor families getting Secondary, Primary and vocational education while assisting in service delivery to the disabled children in the centre.


Teaching lessons, sports and language, Participating in Social work activities like cooking, House keeping, playing with the kids and making a home visits to the families with the disabled children in rural remote villages within Morogoro.

They will be working for almost 18 hours per week. We are ready to receive the volunteers who will stay from one week to one year.


Private rooms and shared rooms. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Dedicated work space.
To help the children with special needs in Morogoro Tanzania