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Help in Support Basketball Project to Vulnerable Children in Mwanza City, Tanzania

Location: Mwanza city, Tanzania
Nihurumie Child Group Organization (NCG) is a non-profit organization registered in Mwanza City by Reg. No; MCC / CD / CBO / 113051 in order to support vulnerable children like street children, orphans and other homeless kids.
The basketball game project aims to restore a smile to this child who lives in a dangerous and difficult environment, to restore lost love and hope to this child. This game aims to expose this child to nations in order to develop his talent and build the ability to be self-employed and employed through this basketball project. Through this project the value of the child will return and the child will fulfill his dreams including education.


The activities that will be done by our volunteers include teaching our children the rules of the basketball game, visiting the children in their areas, playing with them, giving them counseling and encouraging them. Our volunteers will work 4 hours a day without affecting their worship times. Our volunteers will choose to visit tourist attractions in and outside the city of Mwanza on weekends according to agreements.


Based on our limited budget, we were asking to share the cost as we will agree with our volunteers when they look for us. We don't need our volunteers to lose peace at all.

Help in Support Basketball Project to Vulnerable Children in Mwanza City, Tanzania Help in Support Basketball Project to Vulnerable Children in Mwanza City, Tanzania Help in Support Basketball Project to Vulnerable Children in Mwanza City, Tanzania